GCG ASSOCIATES, INC 84 MAIN ST WILMINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01887 Laird J. Walsh Jr. PLS Survey Manger Phone: 978-657-9714 Fax: 978-657-7915 Since 1986, GCG Associates has assisted lawyers, architects, municipalities, government agencies, Construction companies, and design professionals with hundreds of projects throughout New England. Our staff of 15 employees includes registered professional engineers, registered Professional land surveyors, CADD technicians, and support personnel. Our "large firm" qualifications combined with our personalized "small firm" attitude allow Us to provide high quality, cost effective services, including: Civil / Site Design Land Surveying / Mapping Subsurface Soils Testing Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Design Traffic / Transportation Design & Studies Utilities Extension / Connections Storm Drainage Systems Design Wetlands Identification / Permitting Landscape Design Construction Layout & Control